Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What I love A - Z

This started out hard to think of things, but towards completion, some I couldn't choose just one thing that I LOVE for each letter.

ALEX my gorgeous boy. He has grown up to be such a funny character. He makes my day! And I'm very proud of him. BIRTHDAYS - because I don't like Xmas, I don't like Easter, Valentines Days and the like. Birthdays are the ONE day that is yours, and yours alone. Its special to me. I have a little quirky thing that I do for the kids on their b'day and alway write on the bathroom mirror (used to be with lipstick but now whiteboard markers) a birthday message with balloons and kisses. Its now a tradition :) COFFEE & CHOCOLATE - is it cheating to say two? but they go hand in hand for me, and doesn't everyone? Its a neccessary indulgence that I usually crave daily.. Can live without chocolate, but never coffee. DAYLIGHT SAVINGS - I love the extra hours at the end of the day, the warmth in the weather and the feel in the air. EAT, PRAY, LOVE - The book, love love loved it, wish I had the courage to do it, and I will oneday, and can't wait to see the movie and read the sequel. FAMILY - My brothers and sister, and my kids. Could not live without any one of them. GIRLFRIENDS - They are the ones that are there for you no matter what. The feeling that you can ring them anytime for anything and they make you feel better is the best feeling in the world. HOLIDAYS - I love the feeling of holidays, getting out of town, no worries, no cares, enjoying yourself, good times. INDULGENCE - In anything, chocolate, coffee, long hot bath with candles and wine...ahh. JESSIE, my daughter, she brings sunshine into a dark day, and makes me smile everyday. proud of her as well. KINDNESS - it doesn't take much to be kind and makes you feel good. LIFE - Even though it is cruel sometimes, has lots of ups and downs, can be a challenge, and isn't always fair, each day is a blessing that we should take hold of and enjoy! :D MYSELF - Is that a bit vain? Its taken a very long time for me to be able to say that, and its not all the time, but I really do love the person that I am most of the time. I think I am a loyal and loving friend, a good parent to my children, and nice to everyone. NICKNAMES - All my family has one. I don't like my real name, but love my nickname. Some people don't even know my real name. hehe OCTOPUS SALAD - Never thought I would say that but tried it a few years back and love it. PHOTOGRAPHY of course!! I love it when I finish a shoot and the excitement of getting them onto the computer and I love it when people are happy with them. I can't wait to get better and better at it. QUEENSLAND - Beautiful one day, perfect the next. I always get a warm fuzzy feeling when I'm in Qld, and I will live there one day! ROADTRIPS - love them, music, the open road, singing, laughs, window down on a nice sunny day......Need more of them! SLEEP I need it and I love it, it makes your problems seem smaller when you've had a good sleep, however I've never been able to sleep during the day. THIRTY SOMETHING AND OVER IT - the book. Kasey Edwards wrote it. It is so me and so true of so many people. I didn't want that book to end. UNIQUENESS I think that we are all unique in our own little ways which makes for a very interesting world. i love people watching too. VINNIES and all op shops, love to have more time to get there and explore them, especially in other towns. WINE -A good cardonay at the end of the day is a wonderful relaxant, that sometimes makes me go whooo... XANDER - He is one of my good friends sons, full of beans, and has the cutest laugh. YOGA - I did a season of it last winter, and my body loved me for it. I loved the mediation at the end of each session. I must look it up again and go this spring, it makes me feel sooo good.. ZEBRA'S - I'd love to travel to Africa for photo shoot of all the wild animals oneday.....ultimate dream.

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